A good a friend named Mark Dutton had a saying: “There are only two choices on the shelf, pleasing God or pleasing self.” He put together a wonderful presentation on this concept. As I learned from him, I adapted his teachings into my own and developed a Bible study called the point of choice. Essentially this Bible Study teaches that we only have two basic choices in life. We are either going to be God-centered or Self- Centered. Our choices are driven by our thoughts. At the core of our thoughts were are motivated by the flesh (indwelling sin) or by the Holy Spirit. If we are motivated by the flesh (indwelling sin) we will begin to worship and serve the creation over the creator. Solutions are then provided. This has been a useful tool in counseling sessions and small group bible studies. I am much indebted to Mark Dutton for his work in this study. I hope that this may enrich your life and those with whom you share it.
Posted in Bible Studies